Articles and Commentary on Walker Percy
- Walker Percy: The Hopeful Dystopian, by Daniel Ritchie. Christianity Today 10/05/18.
- Episode 51: The Moviegoer by Walker Percy National Review Great Books Podcast. 09/18/18. John J. Miller is joined by Jessica Hooten Wilson of John Brown University to discuss Walker Percy’s The Moviegoer.
- Walker Percy’s Funny and Frightening Prophecy, by Ralph C. Wood. The American Conservative 05/16/18.
- Traveling with Walker Percy, by Carl E. Olson. Catholic World Report 05/28/16.
- Walker Percy at 100, by Amy Welborn. Catholic World Report 05/27/16.
- Walker Percy and the Atticus Finch Question, by Dr. Randall E. Smith. Catholic World Report 10/04/15.
- Malaise and Wonder in Walker Percy’s The Moviegoer, by John Mack. The Imaginative Conservative 08/30/14.
- Walker Percy's American Apocolypse, by H. Colin Messer. Library of Law and Liberty. July 11, 2014.
- Walker Percy and the Recovery of Place, by Ari N. Schulman. Front Porch Republic July 1, 2014. [This post is adapted with permission from “GPS and the End of the Road,” an essay in the anthology Why Place Matters: Geography, Identity, and Civic Life in Modern America, edited by Wilfred M. McClay and Ted V. McAllister.]
- Wondering and Wandering with Walker Percy, by Peter Augustine Lawler. National Review: "Postmodern Conservative". May 29, 2014.
- A Congenial Genocide: American Horror in Walker Percy’s The Thanatos Syndrome, by Dwight Longenecker. The Imaginative Conservative August 25, 2014.
- Binx Bolling’s Evasion of New Orleans in Walker Percy’s The Moviegoer, by Martha Ashe. Literary New Orleans April 21, 2013.
- Scandal at the 1962 National Book Awards, by Benjamin Hedin. The Slate Book Review. November 12, 2012.
- Whither Walker Percy, by Micah Mattix. First Things' "On The Square" May 10, 2010.
- Walker Percy: Twenty Years Later, by Russell D. Moore. Moore to the Point May 5, 2010.
- 'Chickens Have No Myths', by Gerald J. Russello. December 11, 2009.
- Walker Percy short story discovered Read Street. April 8, 2009.
- Walker Percy and Suicide, by John F. Desmond (Modern Age 47:1, Winter 2005) - 03/11/09.
- Walker Percy and Bruce Springsteen Los Angeles Times' "Jacket Copy" January 23, 2009.
- Unearthed: : Walker Percy’s Fan Letter to Bruce Springsteen, by Jeff Severns Guntzel The Utne Reader 1/22/2009 2:29:47 PM.
- Walker Percy's Bible Notes and His Fiction: Gracious Obscenity. Renascence, Spring 2007 by Wilson, Franklin Arthur
- The Needle's Eye: Walker Percy's Conception of Language, Limitation and Sacrament Korrektiv Supplemental [blog] Oct. 18, 2006.
- Resurrecting the Body: Walker Percy and the Sensuous-Erotic Spirit, by John F. Desmond. Renascence Spring 2006.
- Traveling with Walker Percy, by Carl Olson, editor of Ignatius Insight. November 2004
- The Abiding Mystery: A Profile of Walker Percy, by J.B. Cheaney. World and I Feb. 2004. [Subscrition required].
- Walker Percy: Doctor of the Soul, by Gregory Wolf. Traces March 2004.
- When Catholic giants walked the land: remembering Merton, Day, O'Connor and Percy, by Tim Unsworth. National Catholic Reporter August 1, 2003.
- Walker Percy: Diagnostician of the Modern Malaise, by Carl E. Olson. (June 19, 2001).
- Walker Percy and Southern Literature, by Veronica Makowsky. Written for the Walker Percy Project.
- "That Mysterious Phenomenon": The Affect of Percy's Works upon Readers, by Kenneth Laine Ketner. Given at the Fifth Annual Walker Percy Symposium, April 20, 1996, St. Tammany Parish Public Library.
- Walker Percy's Homeward Journey, by Patrick H. Samway, S.J. America, Vol. 170, No, 17, May 14, 1994, pp. 16-19.
- Walker Percy and the Christian Scandal, by Marion Montgomery. First Things 32 (April 1993): 38-44.
- The Homesick Homeless, by Molly Finn. First Things 33 (May 1993): 46-48. Review of Pilgrim in the Ruins: A Life of Walker Percy, by Jay Tolson. Simon & Schuster.
- Walker Percy's Courageous Life, by Amy Welborn. An introduction to various books by Walker Percy.
- Walker Percy as Satirist: Christian and Humanist Still in Conflict, by Ralph C. Wood. Christian Century November 19, 1980 pp. 1122-1127.
- Walker Percy and Charles S. Peirce: Abduction and Language, by Jaime Nubiola. University of Navarra, Spain.
- The World of Walker Percy: A Mythology for Post-Modern Man, by William C. Cozart. Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc. 1981, Vol. 12, No. 2, Pages 163-173.
- Everynovelness and the Second Coming: Walter Percy's Fiction, by Kent Gramm. Theology Today Vol. 37, January 1981.
- Walker Percy as Satirist: Christian and Humanist Still in Conflict, by Ralph C. Wood. Christian Century, November 19, 1980
- Greenville: Walker Percy and Shelby Foote Southern Literary Trail
- Walker Percy Interviews Bruce Springsteen Doubletake #12.